All spirits
All people     All things
Group Soul (Mototsumitama)
Gods around the world
Spirit of ancestor
Guardian spirit
Buddhas of Buddhism
Eight Laws of Hiroyuki Ehara
Deities of Shintoism
Great spirit (Tairei, The best group soul)


Objects of Faith
We aim at Great spirit (Tairei, The best group soul), Eight Laws  of Hiroyuki Ehara, Deities of Shintoism, Buddhas of Buddhism, God and Deities in the world, Guardian spirit, Spirit of ancestor and Group soul (Mototsumitama), All people and All things for  our faith.  We think Deities of Shintoism, Taoism and Hinduism, Buddhas of Buddhism, God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, or Gods  around the world, to be existence that Great spirit sent or Great  spirit.